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我宣布天台县城乡公共交通综合运营启动!昨天上午,随着县委书记关文新的话音刚落下的声音,在我县吹近20城乡公交,城乡公交一体化正式启动运行,开启我县公交企业的新篇章,为建设新农村和城市现代公共运输模式奠定了坚实的基础。同时,它大大提高了我县城乡客运环境,带来了更多的方便了人们的出行。领导的县,潘俊明,王欣东,潘玲洁和朱仁夫出席了仪式。长期以来,县委、县政府一直坚持群众的需要一个更好的生活为奋斗目标。They are committed to ensuring and improving people's livelihood in the process of development, seeking the interests of the masses, solving the worries of the masses, and constantly enhancing the sense of well-being, happiness and safety of the masses.The integration of urban and rural public transportation is the inherent requirement of promoting the integration of urban and rural areas, and it is also a concrete measure for the masses to do good things and do practical things.Last year, the county government issued by the detailed investigation, the integration of urban and rural bus implementation scheme, fully integrated in the county 177 rural passenger bus, started construction of Shifeng Metro bus hub station, the new purchase of c精益能源公交车11辆,完成了Beishan线的一体化改革,南山公交线路。2018,该县将新增115个新能源和清洁能源公交车、坦桑尼亚头、建设洪畴街、公交枢纽站,完成街线,日线6线的改造,并在今年年底前完成城乡客运一体化项目,提供安全、经济、方便的为全县60万城乡居民出行公共交通服务,所以我真的有更多的幸福和县人获得感。县委和潘俊副书记、县长、县委关于代表县政府,在正式的O表示热烈的祝贺城市和农村的公共交通运行。同时,他希望有关部门要认真履行行业监管职责,规范公交运营秩序,进一步完善经营管理机制,加强业务培训,积极开展文明服务活动,不断提高服务质量,让群众出行更安全、更舒适。