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In the evening of November 28th, Taiping Street Central kindergarten invited the Party committee member of the Municipal Education Bureau and Shen Liping, the deputy director of the education supervision office of the Municipal People's government, to make a thematic report for parents and teachers to read and understand their children and grow together with their children. 沈丽萍从六个方面对儿童的终身竞争力做了简要的解释,即如何使孩子更有天赋,为什么要让孩子成为他们情感的主人,如何阅读孩子,如何培养聪明的父母。他的演讲,娓娓道来,理性的分析,和一个实用的、有效的教育方法。他旁征博引,看古今中外,从幼儿教育的视角对中学校长、老师和家长的帮助,明确指出了培养孩子的方向。通过这份报告,许多家长表达了许多教育思想和教育方法,表明他们将更加关注家庭教育的未来,更接近孩子,读孩子,和孩子一起成长。